


[入籍加拿大] 各种人名,年份,以及重要词汇总结

blue_paula 发表于 2014-12-14 14:36:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Habeas Corpus:the right to challenge unlawful detention by the state, comes from Englishcommon law.
The Quebec Act of1774: one of the constitutional foundations of Canada. It allowed religiousfreedom for Catholics and permitted them to hold public office, a practice notthen allowed in Britain.
The ConstitutionalAct of 1791: divided the Province of Quebec into Upper Canada (Englishspeaker and protestant) and Lower Canada (French speaker and Catholics). Theact also granted to the Canadas, for the first time, legislative assemblieselected by the people.
Women’s suffragemovement: The effort by women to achieve the right to vote
Quiet Revolution:Many Quebecers sought to separate from Canada in 1963
Group of Seven:founded in 1920, developed a style of paining to capture the rugged wilderness landscape
The Constitution Actof, 1876: The responsibilities of the federal and provincial governmentswere defined
Cabinet ministers (内阁部长): is chosen by Prime Minister
House of Commons (众议院): is elected by people,traditionally every 4 years
Senators (参议员): are appointed by theGovernor General on the advice of the Prime Minister
Governor General (总督): represents the Sovereign inCanada, and is appointed by the Sovereign on the advice of the Prime Minister,traditionally every 5 years.
Lieutenant Governor (省督): represents the Sovereign ineach of the ten provinces, and is appointed by the Governor General on theadvice of the Prime Minister, traditionally every 5 years.
Commissioner:represents the federal government and plays a ceremonial role in the threeterritories
“The world’s longestundefended border”: Millions of Canadians and Americans cross every yearand in safety

John Cabot: thefirst to draw a map of Canada’s East Coast
Lord Durham:recommended that Upper and Lower Canada be merged and given responsiblegovernment.
Sir Louis-HippolyteLa Fontaine: the first head of a responsible government. In Canada in 1948)
Sir Leonard Tilley:an elected official and Father of Confederation from New Brunswick, suggestedthe term Dominion of Canada in 1964
Sir John AlexanderMacdonald:  Canada’s first PrimeMinister. ($10)
Sir Wilfrid Laurier:  the first French-Canadian prime ministersince Confederation ($5)
Sir George-EtienneCartier: the key architect of Confederation from Quebec. A railway lawyerfrom Montreal.
Louis Riel: fatherof Manitoba and defender of metis right.
General Sir ArthurCurrie: Greatest soldier during WWI
Donovan Bailey: aworld record printer and double Olympic gold medalist in 1966 at the OlympicSummer Games.
Terry Fox: the“Marathon of Hope” to raise money for cancer research.

Rick Hansen:circled the globe in a wheelchair to raise funds for spinal cord research.
1550s – The name of Canada began appearingon maps
1604 (early 1600s) – the first European settlement northof Florida was established by French
1700s – France and Great Britain battledfor control of North America
1758 – The first representative assemblywas elected in Halifax, Nova Scotia {Prince Edward Island in 1773, New Brunswick in 1785}
1759 – The British defeated the French inthe Battle of the Plains of Abraham at Quebec City.
1776 – The 13 British colonies to thesouth of Quebec declared independence and formed the United States
1793 – Upper Canada became the firstprovince in the empire to move toward abolition of slavery
1807 – The British parliament prohibitedthe buying and selling of slaves
1812 – The Fight for Canada (betweenUnited Kingdom and United States of America)
1832 – The Montreal Stock Exchangeopened.
1833 – Abolished slavery throughout theEmpire.
1840Upper and Lower Canada wereunited as the Province of Canada.
1857 – Ottawa was chosen as the capital byQueen Victoria.
1867 (July 1) – The Fathers of Confederationestablished the Dominion of Canada
1871 – British Columbia joined Canada in1871 after Ottawa promised to build a railway to the West Coast.
1890 – Thousands of miners came to theYukon during the Gold Rush
Late 18th and early 19thcentury – The firstfinancial institutions opened
1918 – Most Canadian female citizens aged21 and over were granted the right to vote in federal elections.
1934 – The Bank of Canada was created
1940Employment insurance was introduced by the federal government
1965 – A new Canadian flag was raised forthe first time

1982 – The Constitution of Canada wasamended in 1982 to entrench the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms byQueen Elizabeth II


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